イタリアのパワー・メタル・バンド「SEVEN GATES」のギタリスト、
Tommy Vitalyのソロ・アルバムで、島 紀史がギター・ソロを弾いています。
Tommy Vitaly / Hanging Rock
Icewarrior Recrods
1.Betrayer (feat. Mats Leven on vocals)
2.Run with the Devil (feat. Carsten “Lizard”Schulz on vocals)
3.Hands of Time (feat. Todd LaTorre on vocals)
4.Forever Lost (feat. David Defeis on vocals)
5.Idol (feat. Michele Luppi on vocals, Norifumi Shima and Ferdy Doernberg solos)
7.Heavy Metal God (feat. Carsten “Lizard” Schulz on vocals, David Shankle guitar solo)
8.Hanging Rock (feat. Ferdy Doernberg keyboard solos)
9.Icewarrior (feat. Zak Stevens on vocals)